0 And Can It Be (live)

Here is another “revived” hymn for my hymns project “Hymnody” that we are hoping to get completed soon. This song will be joined by my versions of “Turn Your Eyes”, “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”, “Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin” and others. This is another one of Charles Wesley’s from 1739, “And Can It Be That I Should Gain”. I took parts of the stanzas to create verses, a chorus and an out at the end and created a new melody as the backing.
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0 Hymn #342 (Live at Mystic)

My friend Tanner Johnson came down to Southern Oregon to record his amazing violin talents on some songs we were working on in the studio, and this impromptu concert is what happened later in the evening after a full day in the studio.

This first song we did is my new rendition of Charles Wesley’s first hymn, “Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin?”, which is found today as Hymn #342 in the United Methodist Hymnal. I took some liberties to convert the hymn into more of a modern worship chorus, and this is the result. Enjoy as Nick Garrett-Powell, Tanner and I jam it up in my parent’s living room.
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