Coming soon to a couch near you! We’ve been booking some intimate home shows in the Portland area this summer and are looking for some more homes to invade. So if you would like to host an Acoustic Living Room Concert please let us know!
Category Archives Videos
0 Turn Your Eyes (Official Music Video)
This is the Official Music Video” for my “revived” version of the classic hymn, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” I altered the melody and chorus and added a bridge; while keeping the lyrics in the verses the same. I am joined on this song by the musical talents of Nick Garrett-Powell who recorded and produced the track as well as singing the amazing harmony parts. On drums with the smooth brush work is the fantastic G.T. Albright and on stand-up bass is John Lingafelter rounding out the little jazz quartet.
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0 I Will Sing of the Lord’s Great Love (live)
This is a new worship song I wrote recently while up at 6am doing some morning devotions. For those who know me, this is very early in the morning. Ha! I guess it was appropriate I was reading the passage in Psalm 59:16-17 where it says:
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.
0 For By His Wounds We Are Redeemed (live)
This is a new modern hymn that I wrote yesterday (May 30, 2012) after being inspired listening to Owl City’s version of the Stuart Townend “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us”. We are currently working on a new hymns project in the studio that includes several hymns that I have modified with new melodies and sometimes additional lyrics. This is my attempt at writing a new original hymn in the style of Charles Wesley with a modern worship chorus feel. This song will be included on that project that we hope to release in the near future.
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0 And Can It Be (live)
Here is another “revived” hymn for my hymns project “Hymnody” that we are hoping to get completed soon. This song will be joined by my versions of “Turn Your Eyes”, “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”, “Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin” and others. This is another one of Charles Wesley’s from 1739, “And Can It Be That I Should Gain”. I took parts of the stanzas to create verses, a chorus and an out at the end and created a new melody as the backing.
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0 Come To the Table (live)
This is a new communion song that I wrote on October 14, 2011, that comes mostly straight from 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. It reminds us of why we take communion together as the body of Christ, to remember his sacrifice for us, the breaking of his body and shedding of his blood. Let us do this often in remembrance of him!
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